Monday, December 7, 2020

So Long 2020 and Happy 2021 to You!


I hope 2021 is a MUCH better year, for all of us.

Stop by at my cooking and craft blog, to read my full holiday and year- end post here. 

PS: Mr. Cheddar and I are both fine and have weathered 2020 so far, with no big issues. He sends his best "Meooooowwws" to you too. 😀

Monday, January 20, 2020

Blogging Update 2020!

I hope your New Year is off to a great start!

I’ve decided to take a hiatus from all blogging, for the foreseeable future.

May be back, may not. I’ve learned from past experience, never say never, especially when it comes to blogging.

Just too much to do and every day seems to go faster than the one before it. Trips to plan, including another big move, still working on unpacking and sorting here, numerous projects, writing, crafting….the list goes on and on.I


**Contact information at all my blogs/site (including for review requests) WILL remain active.**

I wish all of my blog friends, past and present, the best year ever! 😊

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