Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Marry a Millionaire by Wendy Robbins

Where do I start with this book?

Before I read it, I had high hopes based on the hype I had noted online regarding this book. The reality, well in my opinion, it's not anything new or noteworthy. Most of the information in this book is a "rehash" of what's been said again and again in numerous "get rich quick" books, schemes and free/paid information online.

Having previously read: Cash in a Flash, the first thing that struck me about this book was how similar it was to CIAF. Robert Allen and Mark Hansen, co-authors of CIAF have also endorsed Ms. Robbins book, singing it's praises in the reviews. Go figure eh? What do they say about flattery? LOL

I did read the entire book, in spite of my reservations and being bored, turning page after page, trying to see what anyone could find unique about the information presented. Wendy Power, oh yeah, that's it...the magical method of making millions, remaining blissful and without even trying! For good measure, Ms. Robbins throws in a comment or three about "saving the world" in the process of getting rich. Lofty goals all around. Oh, if only it were that easy.

What I really got a laugh from was noting on the Amazon page for this book that Ms. Robbins actually wrote a review for herself! Check it out here. Now that's got to be a first. I've read a lot of book reviews over the years and this is the first time I've actually noted an author writing one for themselves.

Save your money. If you want to get rich quick or at least make the attempt to do so (does that ever really work in real life?) search the Internet or take out a library book on the subject. On the other hand, if you like cutsey graphics and a lot of rah-rah-rahhhing, Ms. Robbin's new book might still be a choice. Then again, maybe not.

Overall rating for this book: Unsatisfactory. 1 out of 5.

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