Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Mr. Cheddar Review: SlimCat Exerciser/Toy

Mr. Cheddar and  I have both been making an effort lately to get more exercise and eat sensibly. For me, it's been voluntary. For the Ched, let's just say he's not one to over-exert himself, unless of course yarn attached to knitting needles/a crochet hook is involved. ;<)

 Since the passing of our dear Mitzi , Mr. Cheddar has gotten a bit lazy to put it bluntly. In spite of our daily efforts to engage him in playtime, he's still not convinced that a nap or a snack is ALWAYS a better idea.

Enter the SlimCat toy/exerciser! I found these at our local pet store last week. They are also available (at a better price!) at Amazon.com.  A plastic ball that you put treats/kibbles into and adjust the opening so that they come out (slowly) when the ball is moved around. It seems to be working. Mr. Cheddar is still happier when the grub shows up in his stainless steel chow-bowl, but he is getting " the goods" from this new toy too, which we are subbing at mealtimes, a few times a week.

If you tried SlimCat with your own cat(s) let me know how it went, thanks!
Chiao for now, from me and the soon to be svelte Mr. Cheddar!

Update: Since this review was first written a few months ago, the locking mechanism has loosened up quite a bit, for adjusting the size of the opening, where kibble is released. It still works but not as well as it did originally. Mr. Cheddar is still using the SlimCat but not on a daily basis. He's not crazy about the concept of working a bit for his chow but he will if there's no other options at din-din time.

I still think this is a good product and one that can really benefit more sedentary cats. I do think the design needs a bit of work though, to make the lock more secure and sturdy. I also think that adding a measuring spoon/cup would be a handy feature. Just pouring in kibble is not very accurate. I've been using a measure we have on hand for this purpose.

Overall rating for this product: Good. 3 out of 5. 


  1. Mr. Cheddar still prefers the easy way of getting kibble, out of his dish but he will use the SlimCat too. It's great exercise for him.

  2. Your kitty could sell me anything. I should try out this gizmo for Clyde!

  3. I agree Joe!

    It's a great little gadget/gizmo Sandy. Clyde may find it beneficial if he's in need of some exercise!

  4. Geraldine,
    I plan to look for this gadget, I think my young cat Arthur would love it!

  5. I could definitely live without this "gizmo" as the lovely Sandy describes it above. She is one of my many fans snorttttt...

    Anyhoo, I should not have to work for my most deserved kibbles, I give this the "paws down"

    The Amazing Ched, Cat Celebrity Blogger!


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