Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Spring Haiku and Happy Easter!

I think robins ARE feathered talismans! 

🌞 Such lovely, lucky birds.🌞

I hope you and your family have a beautiful, sunny Easter weekend.😂


PS: I will be transitioning back to a .com domain here at My Real Life Reviews, sometime before the end of April. 

The new .xyz extension I've been using recently hasn't worked out very well. In April, the .com extension will be available again for sale, so I'm planning to go back to my original myreallifereviews.com address as soon as it's possible to do so. 

So, if you don't find me at .xyz, the .com should be "kicking in" instead. And hopefully I'll get my traffic back to where it was and put this whole blog domain journey behind me. It's been one big hassle I could have done without.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Happy Spring and Still Working on My Blog Address Transition

Happy Spring!

Don't you just love gorgeous, fluffy clouds? I sure do. 😊

This blog address transition to .xyz extension (previously .com) turned out being a bigger task than I expected. 😣

All of the links I have in the sidebar here have to be changed (one at a time) to my new .xyz extension! I didn't expect that, but I am slowly getting them updated and my blog traffic is starting to go up again too.

🌷🌷Speaking of sidebar links, if anyone has any idea how to get them to work on Blogger now (I haven't been able to add new sidebar links for years) please let me know. 🌷🌷

I really miss being able to actually add links to new reviews, and not just the product name listed instead, on my blog sidebar here.

I hope your early spring days have been happy ones so far.

It's been mild here on Vancouver Island but we did get one small blast of snow. I liked it but I don't miss the annual snow I grew up with, most of the time.😊

I'm working on a couple of new reviews too, I will get those posted as soon as this blog address change is completely finished, hopefully by the end of this week.

For now....Hugs and Happy Week! 😂

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