Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Spring Haiku and Happy Easter!

I think robins ARE feathered talismans! 

🌞 Such lovely, lucky birds.🌞

I hope you and your family have a beautiful, sunny Easter weekend.😂


PS: I will be transitioning back to a .com domain here at My Real Life Reviews, sometime before the end of April. 

The new .xyz extension I've been using recently hasn't worked out very well. In April, the .com extension will be available again for sale, so I'm planning to go back to my original myreallifereviews.com address as soon as it's possible to do so. 

So, if you don't find me at .xyz, the .com should be "kicking in" instead. And hopefully I'll get my traffic back to where it was and put this whole blog domain journey behind me. It's been one big hassle I could have done without.


  1. I've seen a few Robins around too and I think they are sorry they didn't wait a few more weeks till they came back.
    Have a blessed Easter!

    1. Aren't they beautiful? I've seen a few mommas robins recently too.

      I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!🐝

  2. Wonderful haiku for spring. I love robins too. Happy Easter to everyone.

  3. I have been feeding the robin all through the winter. Now he or she is playing around with a second robin and it's only just going into spring. Not that you'd know by all the snow lying around.

    1. How cool that they stick around all winter.😂 Hope your spring arrives soon Val.🌷

  4. Strange we only ever see 'our' robin in winter as soon as it warms up a little it disappears. It really is time spring stepped in, we have had a record rainfall for France this year and we are now sick of needing webbed feet!! Take care Diane

    1. Thanks for sharing that fun story.😊

      Happy weekend.🐝🐏🌷

  5. Your robins are so different from ours!

    Happy Easter!

    1. They do vary a lot from country to country. I was surprised to see that too on some of the other blogs I visit. 😊

  6. Nice haiku! I am with you on the robins. We do see one or two through the winter, though. I can't imagine what they eat. Happy Easter!

    1. I guess the worms are definitely in short supply for them, but Joe just mentioned that they do eat berries too.

      I hope you have a Happy Easter too.🐏🐝🌼

  7. I will be happy when you update or get back to your other ...site..however, you saiy it, lol. I love robins and I've been seeing them around. I've been busy off and on - and a few days coming up i'll be busy with grandkids. I haven't forgotten that I really want to read that book you mentioned! Have a great weekend Geraldine.

    1. It's been a real pain with all these domain issues, I will be glad to have that settled too. If my blog traffic hadn't been affected so much, I'd probably just leave it. But my review traffic has taken a nosedive so it will be worth getting the .com back in April. Lots of work I could have done without. Namecheap really messed up, big time. I hope I can find a reliable domain provider, this time!

      Have fun with the kids and Happy Easter Sandy.🌷

  8. Replies
    1. And to you to Brenda, hope you had a nice weekend and birthday recently too. I sent you another email later in the afternoon yesterday. 🌼🐝😊

  9. beautiful capture of the robin...they are one of the first true signs of spring!!!

  10. Oh I love the robin haiku!!:))
    And I'm so glad to hear the domain issues are finally being sorted. It must have been such a pain for you.:/

    Have an amazing weekend!

    Big Hugs xoxoxo

    1. Nice to see you here again Ygraine and thanks so much for your kind words.😊

      I hope you have a wonderful weekend too! Hugs,😂


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