Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Blogger Update and Back to WordPress!

Hope you are having a wonderful summer so far. 

Here on Vancouver Island we've been having picture perfect weather, day after day. 😊 Hopefully, we will be spared the heat wave that is now moving West.

The unpacking goes on and on....but we can now see an end in sight. 

Have already given away over 50 boxes of clothes, household goods, books....and at least another 50 more to come. It's hard to part with some stuff but at the same time, so liberating!😉

I've made some blogging decisions too. 

I'm putting, My Real Life Reviews,

on hiatus.

I will still be posting reviews on a regular basis at Amazon Canada, where I am a Top 500 reviewer and Vine Voice member and at, but that is all for now, in terms of reviews.

If you are stopping by to request a review, check out the information for review requests first, see top of this page for more information. I am still accepting review requests for consideration, but only if your book or product is currently available at Amazon sites.

I will continue to post periodically at my author's site re: upcoming Amazon promotions, personal updates, projects in progress...

Geraldine Helen Hartman


I've also decided to " resurrect " my two WordPress blogs in the near future:


I have missed posting recipes, craft projects, Mr. Cheddar updates, this seemed like the right move for my blogging pursuits. will be trying for weekly posting over there.

I also have a lot more followers at those blogs and many WP blogs that I follow too, so it feels like a good move. Never say never, especially when it comes to blogs and blogging!😉 

I still love blogging but it's time for a change. Hope you'll stop by over at my other blogs, sometime soon. 

So, it's Goodbye (for now) My Real Life Reviews


  Hello (again)WordPress!😁


  1. You really have to do what you enjoy doing. I have too many blogs and it is hard to keep them going.
    We have also had a big clean out of clothes that we never wear, nice to have some room in the wardrobe again!!
    Keep well Diane

  2. So true Diane, time is the most precious commodity we have, along with good health.

    Isn't it a great feeling to have " the big purge". Finding treasures in the boxes is fun too! Happy week to you.��

  3. It's been a busy summer but worth it. I'm glad you are getting back to your other blogs and other pursuits.

  4. Now if we could just get the unpacking done!!😉

  5. Do not envy you the unpacking, but what a lovely new city to explore...looking forward to seeing My Poetic Path again.

    1. And so nice to "see" you again too, Sue. 😁 Looks like you're back to more blogging too, that's great.

  6. Lots going on for you Geraldine- i need to catch up here. Did you move again... anyway, I'll be looking forward to following your other blogs. Hope your summer is nice and cool!

  7. No, still working on the same move Sandy but that included hundreds of boxes of stored items too. We've given away over 100 boxes already, clothes, books, much stuff!

    I just posted over at WordPress too, hope you stop by soon

    Happy weekend and week.😁

  8. Great on the decluttering and blog changes are good sometimes.

    1. It's getting there Christine but not quite! I'll be SO glad to finish. Decluttering is great, I agree.

  9. i agree it is difficult to part some of stuff specially with emotional attachment

    this is relaxing too though ,you have less to take care of :)
    wishing you a wonderful happy life and best of luck for your reviews on Amazon my dear friend !

  10. Thanks for the good advice Mfloria.

    And for your kind words always Baili.😊


Thank you for your visits and feedback! :<)

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