Sunday, May 4, 2014

Are You In For International Screen- Free Week: May 5-11?

You can read more about this upcoming global movement here.

This is NOT about going screen free for work or essentials.

It was a perfect time for me to participate so I'm in!

Happy Screen Free Week ;-)


  1. I've heard of it, but since I monitor my screen time, I think I won't be in there playing along.


    1. Such a good idea to keep track of your screen time Jen! Making it an ongoing consideration is wonderful.

  2. I think this is a great idea. I don't spend much time online or playing with gadgets but I do know that's the way so many people live now, including some very young children. This is a good reminder for everyone to get outside, get more exercise and to leave the screens behind now and then.

    1. I am guilty of spending TOO much time online and on my Kindle. I know it and I know it's not a good idea, health-wise. I know my eyes are going to be grateful for a break. ;-)

  3. well I did kind of for 2 days since I couldn't get into my computer ....on and off and nothing...but I could do it

    1. I've been sticking to my "1 hour tops online" each day, for the most part. It is different not to be online or on my Kindle so much. My Kindle is VERY hard to give up as I read so much. But my eyes are saying...thanks for the rest!!! ;-)

      Happy Weekend Lorraine, G

  4. I get that plus my son came to see me yesterday, He's an Internet Specialist and Web Designer and he fixed my computer , it's working better than it did when I first got I'm happy I can visit, happy Weekend G.

  5. Actually I'm only on my computer in the morning, started painting again and it's weird for the life of me I'm not detail oriented i'm not easy, it just seems to tear itself from my fingers unto the canvas and i can't stop it, I'm a weird impressionist, the first one I did after a long long time, was a true of hell, really so I threw that one out with all the poison inside, still can't be still even in my paintings, what else can \i do

  6. And PS I really, really, really miss your reviews, really miss them

  7. Time off the internet and ALL screens (how I missed my Kindle!!!) was a good thing last week. I got a lot of other stuff done and did a lot of good thinking too.

    I am still posting reviews here Lorraine, just not as often. So many projects I am working on but reviewing is still something I really enjoy. I post a lot of reviews at Amazon too.

    Thanks for your kind words and hope you have a nice mom's day too. :-)


Thank you for your visits and feedback! :<)

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