Monday, October 15, 2018

Happy Autumn and 2018 Fall Amazon eBook Promotion!

We've been having an absolutely glorious Autumn, here on Vancouver Island!

Sunny, warm days with just a hint of a breeze. 

The Mountain Ash trees(above) are looking spectacular; one of my favorite trees.

And if the forecast is right, we are expecting at least a week or two more of this weather trend.

I'm just loving it!😊

Hard to get much indoor work done, but I have scheduled my latest Amazon eBook promotions, for October, continuing into November, for all my current eBook titles. 

The first promotion starts today, October 15th!

You can check out all the dates and details at my Author's site:

What's New Page

🎃 Happy Reading, Cooking and Autumn too! ðŸŽƒ


  1. I'm not good with trees. I wonder if we have Mountain Ash around here because the berries look familiar. Glad your weather is so nice. We had been having nice weather until the Santa Ana winds started yesterday. But hopefully by tomorrow they will be over.

    1. There are a lot of Mountain Ash trees, throughout BC. Here on the Island, there are big Holly trees too. I find the latter ones SO amazing! All those potential Christmas wreaths lol! I have never seen these before moving here, so beautiful.

      Sounds like you're having great weather too Sandy, that's good!😊

  2. Our weather has been amazing. More sunshine on the way too.

    Good luck with the Amazon promotions. I have enjoyed all your books very much. Got me cooking too.

    1. A bit of rain today but sure is great for temperatures.😊 We are enjoying the best weather in Canada!🌞

  3. We have mountain ash here, too. Did you know they are also called Rowan trees? We had a bit of snow this morning, and it is way to early that.

    1. I didn't know that about the other name, interesting. Aren't they beautiful,one of my favorite trees.😊 We've had no snow, I'm still wearing flip flops most days!lol

  4. We are having the same weather here! I know exactly what you is difficult to stay indoors when the weather is this good!
    The mountain ash trees look amazing...yes, as Sandy mentioned, our Rowan trees look very similar.
    Wishing you the very best of luck with the books! :))

    Big Hugs xoxoxo

    1. Lucky you! I'm guessing you haven't put away your sandals either, am I right?😊 Enjoy that sunshine my friend.🌞

  5. Nice to see that you're enjoying the autumn. When I look out my window here in Connecticut, I'm still seeing green leaves and not much color at all! It's crazy. The weather is getting colder now though, so maybe we'll see some changes soon. Hope all is well with you! :)

    1. Oh, it must be SO beautiful there with the colorful leaves. 🎃

      I hope all is going well for you too.😊

  6. this is my favorite season, i am enjoying it too, your picture is glorious!! it is 70 degrees today at the jersey shore, it almost feels like summer!!

  7. Sounds great, you live in such a beautiful area Debbie!

    I really need to get back to blogging,I just noticed how long it has been since my last post or review. Will work on that, this weekend.

    😂Happy Shopping!😂


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