Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Getting Over the "Snuffles" :<( and an Upcoming Free eBook Promo :<)

Hope you're having a healthy and productive week.
I've been spending most of my time in the past few days, reading and napping, while I get over a cold. :<(
On a happier note, I do have a free Kindle promo coming up this Friday and Saturday, you can read all the details here.
I'll be back to posting here at My Real Life Reviews, as soon as I'm feeling better.


  1. Take care of yourself, you know it's the change in season form too hot to hot to darn cold Oh Canada....i have one too, gotta say already in love with Kindle just reading the instruction is fun Monday I get wifi there are already 3 books I want that I couldn't get before by one of my favourite author T.J. MacGregor 'cause the only format is kindle thank you, and get well soon

    1. You will love having a Kindle Lorraine, I'm sure of that! :<) what kind did you get?

  2. I hope you get better soon! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  3. I hope you're feeling better really soon, Geraldine. Take good care of yourself.


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