Thursday, December 29, 2016

Happy New Year! 2017

It's almost here!!!

Another year has flown by and for me, it is hard to believe that the New Year will ring in 2017. I remember when the year 2000 was so, so far away. 

Something to do with the clocks speeding up, after we hit 40 I think! ;-)

 I hope to get back to more posting and visiting my many favorite blogs, in the New Year. It's been hard to keep up with my blogging, with all the travelling we've been doing. But hopefully, will have more time for all my online pursuits soon. 

I wish all my readers and blog pals the best year ever. 

May 2017 be filled with new adventures, opportunities, wonder, magic and all the good things. A time to look ahead with optimism and renewed hope. In a world that often seems crazy and without any goodness left, it is so easy to forget about all the good things and people that are out there too.

Happy, Healthy 2017!!! 

And Many Hugs Too. 


  1. 2016 was very good to me!! wishing you joy and happiness in 2017, many thanks for stopping by!!!

    1. And all the best to you too Debbie! Loved your New York holiday post. :-)

  2. Good stuff ahead in 2017, I just know it.

    An excellent, uplifting post. It is so easy to dwell on the bad things in this world but there are lots of good things and people too. Need to remember that, always.

    Happy New Year to everyone, Joe

  3. What a beautiful photo, Geraldine! I am looking forward to 2017 and I am happy that we got quite a bit of snow here in Montreal today! Just 3 days ago (Monday) we got freezing rain, making the roads and sidewalks a skating rink. I much prefer the snow. Wishing you all the best now, in 2017 and always! :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words re the snow scene, it's one of my personal favs.

      I'm guessing Montreal gets a lot of snow most years? Here on Vancouver island there's only a tiny bit. But that's ok too.😂

      Happy,healthy New Year to you and your family.

  4. I hope you have been having a wonderful time traveling.
    So nice to hear from you. Seeing your photo brings back memories of strolling there.

    Lovely new year to you!

    1. And so nice to hear from you too Tammie. I hope 2017 is a wonderful year for you.����

  5. It only seems five minutes since my Joe died in January. I thought the days would drag but they seem to fly even faster.It's probably my age that's causing the mad rush to... well,that remains to be seen. Happy New Year. Let's hope it's a peaceful one.

    1. I find it amazing how fast a year passes now Val.I'm glad the time has not been dragging for you though, I know how much you've been missing Joe.

      Take care and I hope the new year is a good one for you.

  6. I always love the start of a New Year! I'm wishing you blessings my friend. Hugs, Diane

    1. And blessings and hugs back to you Diane. So nice to see you here again.

  7. Wishing You a Truly Magical New Year too...may all your fondest wishes come true!:))

    Much Love & Hugs xoxoxo

    1. Oh, what a lovely comment, thanks Ygraine! I wish the same things for you too. Hope your new year is off to a great start. Things are looking up here!!

  8. jsut stopping by to wish you a very happy new year!

    1. How nice to see you again Lissa. All the best in 2017. :-)

  9. Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by today.

  10. Happy New Year, a little late. It sounds like you guys have been having an interesting time. I will be back blogging soon.

    1. We've been very busy and that's going to keep up for a while, just getting settled in here and there's so much to do. But all worth it.

      Good to read you'll be back to blogging soon. I hope your year has been off to a great start. :-)

  11. Hi and happy 2017. I love the photo - it looks like it could have been taken at one of our lakes nearby. I imagined you loved your traveling adventures and i assume Mr. Cheddar was with you and did he like them. Time is flying - way too fast.

    1. I agree, the time just flies now. I cannot believe it's already 2017. As I said above, I still remember the days when 2000 was SO far away LOL. Must make the most of every day, time is so precious.

      Mr Cheddar has become quite the little traveler. He is such a good boy. We are so happy to have him with us.

      That is a file photo above from where we previously lived in BC. I still like this one, so quiet and peaceful looking. No snow here on the Island. That's kind of a nice change too. :-)

      Have a wonderful week and all the best in the year ahead. G :-)

    2. Hi Geraldine. Joyce here. Just getting over here again to review and see your latest and look them through again. Good blog, Geraldine. I hope your new year has started off great and you have a good one too all the way through 2017. I'll try to visit more often. :)

    3. So nice to see you here Joyce. I hope some of my reviews are helpful to you. I certainly have quite a lot of them now, after all these years. ;-)

      Have a wonderful 2017 and yes, it's good to keep in touch. I'll stop by to visit soon.


Thank you for your visits and feedback! :<)

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