Saturday, February 11, 2017

Rescue Remedy (pastilles and also, pet formula)

Rescue Remedy Pastilles

I am amazed how well Rescue Remedy products work!

I have used the liquid Rescue Remedy many times in the past, but these "candies" are much more convenient.

The best test I've given them to date: facing several mornings in the dentist chair. It still wasn't fun or painless but I was a LOT calmer than usual. 😄 

For me, the best time to take these is about an hour before expecting to need them. The effect lasts about 5-6 hours usually. A nice calm, relaxed feeling that is hard to describe but unmistakably there. Not like taking drugs, ie: Valium or similar relaxants, and a lot safer too as they are completely natural and drug-free.

These pastilles come in several flavors, the Black Current is my favorite.

The ingredient list is good but they do contain sorbitol as a sweetener. It would be nice to see an even better choice for sweetener (fruit juice?) but not a big concern for me, in this small amount. 

Mr. Cheddar also uses Rescue Remedy in liquid form, a type that is specifically formulated for pets. 

And that to me is another real "test" of the efficiency of these products. 

Mr. Cheddar is MUCH calmer, when travelling etc, after a few drops of Rescue Remedy, which I put on some treats and he happily gobbles up. 

We were really concerned about how he would fare on planes, ferries etc, with our recent travels, but he did great. I am so grateful to have had RR to help. He does tend to be quite a "nervous Nelly" when it comes to loud noises, etc...and as we all know, airports. large ferries and planes are certainly all in that category!!

I don't know how homeopathic remedies work but based on my experience with Rescue Remedy products, I'm a believer! 😀 

You can read a lot more about all types of Rescue Remedy including more testimonials, at the Rescue Remedy site. Their customer service staff were most helpful when I had questions about using RR for Mr. Cheddar, I appreciate that too. 

Overall rating for these products: Very Good. 4 out of 5


  1. Interesting to learn about this product.

  2. My cat would benefit by these - she gets really agitated in the car when we take her to the "pet hotel" when we leave town for a few days. Good review Geraldine.

    1. You will be amazed how well they do work Sandy. Make sure to get the pet formula as it contains no alcohol. I put 4 drops on treats for Mr C. 😽😽

  3. Hi Geraldine,

    I had never heard of these products until now. Great review, thank you so much for sharing.

    1. A very popular line of products Linda that are used by people worldwide. I'm all for drug-free alternatives and RR works just as well as any drug I took for anxiety, through the years. Even when I was super-stressed (and I do mean STRESSED)they really helped to calm me down. I think the dental visits are one of the best examples of all.

  4. Excellent review. I've used RR many times and it really does work. It's a natural product and that's really important to me too. You don't have to understand why something works, as long as it does. And it really has helped MR Cheddar too.

    1. I agree, we don't need to understand exactly how something works, the important thing is that it does and in this case, a natural, drug free choice too. It's all good.😄

  5. I bet it isn't sold in the UK! My Charlie doesn't like loud noises and sudden movements send him scurrying. We have a product here that deals with the problem, called Feliway and comes in sprays, drops, or plug-in air fragrance (I use the word fragrance for wont of a proper name)... guess what, none of them works. I wish we had your product over here.

    1. And I'm guessing it would be available there too Val, RR is a very well known product line. Ill try to check into this a bit and let you know.

  6. Where could I find this product? I am all for natural when I can get it.

    1. Click the links in my review Sandy, for the product at Amazon. I'm sure you would find at your local natural market too.😂

  7. so wonderful to read a review about this product. it sounds like a great alternative to the other well known "drugs"!!!

  8. I had no idea there was something like this. I don't like to take anything...but I think I'll check these candies out! Thanks!

    1. They are shaped like candies Diane but they are definitely not candies, in the true sense of that word. One is the recommended dosage. Let me know if you give them a try.😄

  9. Great. I shall recommend them to a friend of mine who has seven cats. :-)

    Greetings from London.

    1. Wow, seven cats, sounds wonderful to me. The more the merrier/meowier..😽😽😽😽😽😽


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