Monday, March 13, 2017

A "Crafty Mojo" Post !

I have always loved creating handmade items. 😊

Crafting in a variety of mediums has been a part of my life since I was in the single digits, age-wise LOL.

Knitting, painting, jewelry, sewing, embroidery,  eco-crafts....the list goes on and on.

My dear mom, Helen was a very talented seamstress and painter and I think a lot of my creative abilities and interest are thanks to her.
We spent many a long day together, creating beautiful things over the years, especially when I was writing a weekly craft column for over 5 years, in one of Canada's major newspapers, The Regina Leader Post. Such good memories that still bring a smile to my face, thinking about those precious hours spent together, creating something unique and beautiful.
With crafts and hobbies on my mind, I thought you might enjoy checking out a few of the craft and hobby books/products/ sites that I have shared here, over the years at My Real Life Reviews. 
Hopefully, one or more of these will inspire you to create something new and special, in the days ahead. We all need a boost at times to get our "crafty mojo" back. I know I do!
Right now, I am happily working on my new haiku book but also hope to get back to another knit project, before the end of this week.

What are you working on right now? 

What is your favorite craft(s)?

I have so many fav crafts and hobbies, I wouldn't know how to begin to answer that question!😊

Here goes:

Crafting with Cat Hair (a fun craft book and lots of Mr. Cheddar photos too!)

Homemade (a unique and extensive craft book, filled with all kinds of beautiful ideas)

One Yard Wonders (a fun book and sew kit, with all kinds of 1 yard or less, sewing ideas)

Knitting Warehouse (my fav online shop for knit and many other types of craft needs)

Lion Brand Recycled Cotton Yarn (one of my fav summer cotton yarns)

Down & Dirty (gardening is apparently, the most popular hobby in the world!

Happy Crafting and Creating!!!


  1. You are so very talented. So many beautiful things you've created over the years. I love to see how you start a project and then bring it to completion.

    My favorite hobbies are painting, woodwork and making jewelry. So much fun.

    1. Thanks Joe.😂 I really can't imagine not being creative, it's a part of who I am.

      Good picks for favorite hobbies.🐦

  2. Well, I used to be creative and have lots of stuff around the house to prove it. Sadly the mood has almost gone, although I still write a fair bit. It was the body problems that stopped a lot of my craft work, not being able to bend to do things or even lean over a table. But I have my memories and can still boast about winning competitions for handicrafts, needlework, and I can still do a certain amount of 'design' around the house. Keep it up, Geraldine, we never know at what stage we become unable.

    1. I think I'll be creating for a long time to come Val, it's such a big part of who I am and what makes me happy.😂

  3. i too have always been involved in crafts and i like to think of myself as creative. my latest obsession is knitting and right now i am knitting wash cloths after just recently finishing my cowl. i also enjoy scrapbooking, i think that is also a great outlet for my creativity!!!

    1. I've made a lot of washcloths too Debbie, knit and crochet, aren't they fun?😂

      Knitting is actually addictive I think, but what a GOOD addiction it is lol

  4. Your crafts are lovely, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Christine, it was a fun post to write.🌷

  5. Hi Geraldine, what a great post! I absolutely love everything here and appreciate and admire your talent! Yes, we got the blizzard in Montreal which began on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. and is still going, I think. It went on all day and is supposed to continue into Wednesday, then taper off. The snow was heavy and intense, the winds were strong and brisk and the visibility was minimal. I did hear the snow removal trucks out there a couple of hours, though. They have their work cut out for them. :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words. 😂

      Stay safe and warm Linda. I hope the worst is over by now.

      I'd love to experience a real blizzard again. Intense weather is soooo exciting I think!!😂 The clean up isn't so great though, or driving in one.😣

  6. Beautiful post. You're so talented! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  7. I wish I was crafty! My Mumtoo is very talented and still at 83 is crocheting. I do love everything that has to do with gardening and are in the process of renewing the gardens at our new (to us!) home.
    Take care.

    1. What a great thing to read your Mumtoo is still crocheting, I hope to be for a long time too.

      Gardening is definitely a wonderful and creative hobby.🌷🌷

  8. Art, crafts, anything handmade is fun, but can also be meditative and relaxing. Thank you for you comments on my blog.

    1. Very meditative and relaxing, I completely agree.😂

  9. Hi Geraldine, Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    I, unfortunately, am not at all crafty although I noticed one commenter mentioned scrapbooking. That I do. Mostly I care for my flowers.

    1. They are both wonderful, creative pursuits GM.🌷😂

  10. Beautiful crafts, but I'm not very crafty. Right now, I'm working on some writings and photography and house repairs :)

    1. Those are all creative pursuits Sage.😄🌞 Good luck with them all.

  11. What a lovely selection of crafts and crafty books! I like making jewellery and sewing, though I need to improve my sewing skills. I also like finding new ways to upcycle things....

    1. Upcycling is the way to go Juliet, whenever possible. What fun to make something go from "trash to treasure". :-)

  12. wow Geraldine - you do it all!! What a creative background you have then and now! I love the winter cover of you Haiku book. What you have that a lot of people like myself who would like to craft or do more creative things - is an intention and follow through which is impressive I have lots of ideas but little motivation and follow through.

    1. your comment made my day Sandy. you have been missed here at MRLR!!!

      I am not always motivated but when I do get into creating a new project I feel energized and alive. The best way to begin IS to begin (one of my own quotes). It is not always easy but for creative people like you and me, it is what keeps us happy I think. It certainly works for me. Keep creating, keep challenging yourself, it is SO worth it!!!

      Happy Weekend, G


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