Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An Upcoming Free Kindle Book Promo!

Coming up this weekend: February 1st and 2nd, my poetry collection:

will be available as a free Kindle download at:, .ca, UK....

Do share this post if you can. 

And if you enjoy this book, a review at would be most appreciated. 

While you're there, I hope you'll check out my other books/ebooks too! 

Happy Reading! ;-)


  1. You are always so sweet and giving my friend! Enjoy your weekend and thanks!

    1. Thanks Diane, you are so kind. Enjoy your weekend too!

  2. I'll look forward to downloading your book Geraldine! Thank you :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy: My Poetic Path. :-)

  3. Great promotion. Poetry is for everyone. And your poems are so wonderful.

    1. Poetry IS for everyone, I agree! Thanks Joe. ;-)

  4. Congrats on the promo download...what a great deal.


    1. Have you got a Kindle yet Jen? I hope so. ;-)

      We have 2 now, splurged on a Kindle Fire for me, for Christmas, it's wonderful! The color is amazing and it has so many other apps besides just reading books. Impressive for less than 200. I'll be reviewing it soon too.

  5. Looking forward to the download and thanks for visiting my site...


    1. thanks Elizabeth, hope you enjoy my poetry book too!

  6. I have re-ordered because \I know how much I will gain in the end...yeah...if you ever find a time where you're too tired and want to knit a beautiful kindle cover, I'll pay...and if \I find it then \I can give it as a present to someone :)

    1. I still think they will turn up L. Have you looked everywhere? Sometimes, a second look around or even third, is the charm. I hope you find all the goodies again and soon.

  7. I dreamed that it was in a drawer, how strange but then i discovered a whole bunch of books, I'm an history maniac and I found so many as such low cost that I bought another kindle the same but minus the battery which I still have, but it won't be the same without your knit...who knows maybe the moment the new one arrives, I'll find I"ll be so thrilled to find at least the cover you made that I love so much, you need a lot of time and it's February, and not that it has anything at all to do with anything but I will turn 55 on April 21 :) just saying, :) II'll pay ;)

    1. It will turn up Lorraine, along with your first Kindle. I just know it. :-) You've had the cover less than a month, it can't be lost!!!

      I hope you click through from here to order from (any link to Amazon, on sidebar or in reviews, will do) as I get an affiliate payment every time someone does. They add up nicely.

      Thanks if you do! ;-)

      Hugs to you and the kitties, G

  8. Really? well I'll be sure to do that :) lol hugs back to you and your 2

  9. G. do you remember I told you I dreamt it was in a drawer? but I checked all drawers in the apt absolutely all of them and this morning I was about to dry my hair and was looking for the best place to put my hair dryer and I remember I use my small dask now and it doesn't have a lot of room, then I remember that right under and I just discovered that a short while ago, like a pencil drawer, so I opened it up to see if the hair drier would fit, and when I looked down there it was my kindle all safe and warm and it's beautiful knitted beauty...this is so good, I'm so happy and just in time to download your free kindle book....oh my gosh the dream was right but even as you look down on the desk you don't even see that there's a drawer...I am beyond thrilled and I'm keeping the new one 'cause I'm a prolific reader in fact I had told myself that when I retired at 65...didn't quite happen that way I would read all the time and eat what I want and who cares if I got fat, ok i care a little about but not that much I'm so so happy x

  10. oh and ps \i have already purchased this lol

    1. I knew you would, that's great!

      I'm sure amazon would accept the second one for a full refund if it's unopened.

      Just thought I'd mention re: the affiliate links for future reference, in case you didn't know about this. it all helps!

      I'll be reviewing my new Kindle Fire HD soon, stay tuned for that. I love that one too!

  11. oh that is exciting. I will be sure to check it out.

  12. Oh i re-purchased trough your link, I t hink, better yet I've decided to give my new kindle to my daughter-in-law (that still sounds so funny) her birthday is March 30 and like me she's a prolific reader, she will become a kindle lover, and once I've paid up my credit card ...I might be the coloured one if only so see your beautiful photos


Thank you for your visits and feedback! :<)

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