Sunday, January 12, 2014

Elvis Has Not Left The Building by J. R. Rain

This past week (January 8th) would have been Elvis Presley's 79th birthday. 
It brought to mind this wonderful novel I had read a couple of months ago, by bestselling author J. R. Rain:

We've all thought about it; what if Elvis really was still alive?
But how often have we considered him coming back older, wiser and working as a detective? Not me, until I read this book.
This story made me laugh a lot, cry a little and kept my attention right to the last page. 
 I could actually imagine this having happened, not just as a fictional story.

All those sightings of Elvis, maybe they weren't fantasies after all? But in this case, Elvis looked a lot different than how his fans remembered him.

This is the first book I've enjoyed by this author but it definitely won't be my last.
And to J. R. Rain:
Ah...thank you, thank you very much, for writing this story! 

If you still miss Elvis, give this one a try.

From the Amazon product page:

Which is why in 1977 Elvis faked his own death and endured massive facial reconstruction surgery, and disappeared from the limelight to live a normal life as the unassuming Aaron King. Unfortunately, leaving fame behind also meant leaving his fortune behind, too, and now Elvis finds himself broke and living in near poverty in a small apartment in Los Angeles. Luckily for him, it turns out he's a pretty good private investigator.

Now in his seventies and contemplating a return to music (discreetly, of course), Elvis is hired to solve a baffling missing person case. The King digs deeper, and soon finds himself surrounded by the seedier elements of Los Angeles, from nefarious Hollywood producers who prey upon the young, to twin brothers with a very dark secret.

And as Elvis pieces the bizarre puzzle together, he slowly makes his singing comeback—and will be reunited on stage with someone even the King himself never dreamed possible.
Overall rating for this book: Excellent. 5 out of 5.


  1. " I could actually imagine this having happened, not just as a fictional story." that's a GOOD story. To have it be fiction yet, imagining it to be real!

    Great review, Geraldine! I will look this book the next time I'm in B&N.

    1. Let me know if you give this one a try Ron. And I agree, if you can REALLY imagine a fictional story as being true, that's a good book. This one certainly is.

  2. Sounds like it would be a fun read.

    1. Fun, sad, engaging, memorable...I liked everything about this story.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Excellent review. I'm reading this book right now, about 1/2 way through. It does seem believable, unlike a lot of other Elvis stories that are sometimes so far-fetched. I am really enjoying the book

    1. I'm looking forward to hearing what you thought of the whole story Joe. :<) Keep tapping those pages.

  5. Replies
    1. One that kept my interest, right to the last page!

  6. Honestly G., I don't know If I could, I mean the King from humble beginnings to major stardom, it's his life, it's his story, I don't like that someone would do this, to me it shows a lack of respect for the Soul that he is now...might be funny but's not true, it's not right even if it is still very well written it's not right ...

    1. But what if Lorraine...what if Elvis HAD lived?

      This story doesn't take anything away from his amazing but all too short career and rise to super stardom, far from it. Everyone's life, including Elvis, could have gone in so many other directions. This one explores just that. I actually think you'd love this book, if you give it a try.

    2. I know you're probably I've received something well, magical yesterday I loved it so much, it's magical, it's real made by a friend and I send her a thank you so that she would know just how much she made my day, the thing is I don't if that e-mail address is to be trusted, I really don't know...If you haven't received it send me another e-mail and I'll send it again, not to sound mysterious but sometimes, something changes everything, and I'm so grateful...

  7. Great review about the King! :-) Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

    1. Nice to see you again! Hope your new year is off to a great start. :>)

  8. oh ps I changed laptop the new one was too full of itself this and program and video and celebrity what a lot of bull went back to my old one and can post again, I've re-opened Photos & Stuff L thank God 'cause tomorrow's Friday :) yeah!

    1. And Friday means: Friday Funnies! Hope to see you there Lorraine. I've got mine ready to go and scheduled at My Poetic Path already. ;<)

  9. You know what they will always remember where you were when you learned that Elvis had died.

    I'm going to look for this book in my library.

    And so glad you are enjoying the cards.


  10. but of course, always and maybe soon I'll check out Elvis, but only because I want to put more so that I can put in in awesome knitted cover


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