Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Arm & Hammer Spinbrush Pro Clean Soft Powered Toothbrush

My Oral B power toothbrush needed replacing and as the heads often cost more to replace than a whole new toothbrush (if on sale) I decided to give the:

It WAS on sale at the time, but it's no bargain.

The cons:

Heavy, uncomfortable feel to it, when using this brush. It has a thick handle to accommodate the 2 batteries required.

When using brand new batteries, it is IMO, too powerful. Feels like it's vibrating inside your mouth. I'm all for going for super clean teeth but this is just uncomfortable and not necessary.

The battery compartment needs a Sumo wrestler to pry it open!!!
My husband is very strong and even he struggled to open this compartment, when the batteries needed replacing. And they needed replacing very quickly.

The pros: 

None that I can think of.

I'm going back and staying with Oral B power brushes from now on. You DO get what you pay for and this one is a very bad design and not worth buying, even on sale.

Overall rating for this product: Unsatisfactory. 1 out of 5. 


  1. A great review Geraldine, I've often noticed they are the ones that are one sale.
    We sold electric toothbrushes at the store I worked for, and was often asked which ones were the best. After consulting my Dentist I never ever mention A&H, he was very strongly against any of the ones that just went in circles...saying you might as well use sandpaper on your teeth.


    1. I can see why your dentist didn't recommend these. not well designed, in so many ways too.

  2. Excellent review. This is a piece of junk. Time to get Oral B replacements.

    1. Yes, it's time to recycle these and go back to Oral B. A much better product.

  3. Excellent indeed, thanks for this review G.

    1. Thanks Lorraine, hope it was helpful to you.

  4. Thank you as always for the reviews Geraldine :)

    1. Nice to see you again Keith. Hope all is well. :-)

  5. Happy teeth cleaning!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Not with this one Andrew! Thanks for stopping by.

  6. wow, that was quite an experiment!

    1. Tammie, This really is the 'weirdest' design for a toothbrush I've ever seen! There are a lot of other comments at Amazon, saying the same things about installing the batteries etc..if Joe has a hard time getting something undone, it's HARD TO DO!!! ;-) He's very strong.

  7. Ha, no pros
    That's not good
    We are all Sonicare toothbrush happy over here


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