Thursday, March 27, 2014

Heinz Bean "Horror Story" Update

In February, I posted about a recent BAD experience I had with and in particular issues regarding Heinz Beans. 

You can read that post here. 

It's now another month that's gone by and still NOTHING has been done in terms of some compensation, for this whole fiasco. I did hear from Save-On Foods after my first post and then a rep. from contacted me once by email, but after that, nothing.

I requested a gift certificate for $200 from Save-On (to be provided by Heinz) given all the hours of my time I've wasted, writing emails, making phone calls etc...the initial illness that Joe and I went through, due to their products and stress this whole incident caused. I didn't think that was much to ask, given all that had transpired and the total lack of response, from Heinz, when I contacted them initially and repeatedly after that.

But as I said above, nothing has been provided to date as a way to make up for all this. 

I think I've been more than patient, don't you? 

And if Heinz had responded to my complaint in a timely manner initially, this all could have been avoided! 

I don't plan to buy ANY Heinz products, ever again, after this experience. I have been told by several bloggers too that they now don't plan to buy Heinz products either. So in the long run (and this story will continue to circulate online for a long time!) Heinz has lost a LOT more than just one customer. 

If they ignore product complaints like the one I had, what else are they ignoring??

Buyer Beware!!! 

And do share this post if you can. 


  1. It's crappy that a big company like Heinz can't or won't take care of it's customers. I personally haven't had a problem with Heinz products (I don't buy many), but I'm sorry you and your husband had to go through this.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I've added your blog to my reader and hope to come here often.

    1. Up until this, we hadn't had any problems with them either, but then in the period of about 2 months, 2 cans of Heinz Beans in Tomato Sauce were not up to their usual standards and the one we DID eat (the other one we weren't going to take a chance on, the second time) my husband and I both got very sick, due to it.

      I enjoyed your blog too Marie, thanks for stopping by and see you again in blogland!

  2. Yes, you have been very patient and have given Heinz more than enough opportunities and time, to DO SOMETHING, about this. We certainly won't be products any of their products again and the same goes for a lot of other readers too. Thanks for nothing Heinz.

    1. Doesn't look like Heinz plans to do anything, based on all these delays, even after Save On got involved. I'm tired of the whole thing. I guess it's just a matter of chalking it up to a learning experience and taking them off the grocery list in future. And I agree, thanks for NOTHING Heinz.

  3. I have noticed that many companies don't seem to take legitimate complaints seriously. Have you thought of contacting your local health center, and the CFIA? They should be told about the problem.


    1. As I said above Jen, I'm just fed up with this whole mess and I've already wasted hours of my time, trying to get some resolution, to no avail. I do hope my posts about this get the word out to a lot of people though. They will also show up on Google if people are checking for complaints about Heinz. My posts/reviews here at MRLR usually show up in the first 1-3 pages on Google, so I must be doing something right in terms of SEO! ;-)

  4. It's always disappointing when a big company doesn't respond. It's frustrating!

    1. It certainly is Diane and why they would want to ignore legitimate complaints about product quality (that could affect a LOT of other people too) is a mystery. Speaks volumes for where Heinz priorities are, doesn't it?

  5. Well that's it! no more Heinz \ketchup for me use to be a regular staple one more loss for you Heinz....shame

    1. I agree Lorraine, shame, shame!!! I've bought a lot of Heinz products over the years, including their organic ketchup recently and of course these beans in tomato sauce but NO MORE! If you can't feel that you can trust the quality of a company's products, why would you buy them? There are lots of other brands out there to choose from. ;-)

  6. I'm really surprised they aren't more customer oriented.


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