Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How to Make Scones by Anna King

I love scones in a big way!

 I was really excited about this new scone Kindle book: How to Make Scones, when I saw it at Amazon. 

But beyond the beautiful cover, things go steadily downhill fast.

Although a lot of the recipes sound delicious initially, while reading through the TOC, how they are formatted is so distracting it's hard to focus on what's actually in each recipe, let alone trying them. Big gaps between amounts and actual ingredient which makes a lot of them carry over to a line or even two below. Did the author of this ebook not actually note this? It's hard to miss and makes for a very poor first impression.

This ebook needs to be proofread, big time!

Some of the amounts also seem  (very) out of wack, unless these are suppose to make a LOT of scones, not just the typical 8 triangle circular type that most of us are accustomed to.

Example: in the Aged Cheddar Dill Scones there is: a whooping 1/2 lb. of Cheddar cheese, a full cup of whipping cream, 3/4 lb. of butter and 4 large eggs. 

Ouch. Scones might not be "health food" but they don't have to be artery-clogging nightmares either. ;-(

Deleted from my kindle already.

Overall rating for this ebook: Unsatisfactory. 1 out of 5. 


  1. Excellent review. Sounds like a nightmare of a cookbook. Something just slapped together and put on Amazon. I can see why you called this one a stinker.

    1. I loved the idea of a scone cookbook but this one was not good. Too bad!


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